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 Peaux de chats

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Nombre de messages : 693
Age : 67
Localisation : Sanary sur mer (83)
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Peaux de chats   Peaux de chats Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov - 19:48

L’enquête exclusive sur la vente de peaux de chats en Suisse révélée dimanche dernier par 30 Millions d’Amis – suivi par plus de 2 millions trois cents mille personnes* - a été relayée par le 20 heures de TF1 et le 19/20 de France 3 hier soir. Patrick Poivre d’Arvor et Audrey Pulvar, en invitant le téléspectateur à soutenir la pétition lancée en ligne ont permis à la Fondation 30 Millions d’Amis de recueillir, en seulement quelques heures, plus de 25 000 signatures ! Votre mobilisation – si elle se poursuit – devrait nous permettre de faire cesser très rapidement ce triste commerce.

Pour signer notre pétition :

Pour voir le sujet diffusé dans le 20 heures de TF1 présenté par Patrick Poivre d’Arvor :,,3618736,00-journal-televise-novembre-2007-20h-.html

Pour voir le sujet diffusé dans le 19/20 de France 3 présenté par Audrey Pulvar

Mad Mad Mad
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Nombre de messages : 693
Age : 67
Localisation : Sanary sur mer (83)
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Peaux de chats   Peaux de chats Icon_minitimeMar 11 Déc - 23:54

A faire passer :
Pétition 30 millions d'amis contre la fourrure de chats en SUISSE.
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Nombre de messages : 693
Age : 67
Localisation : Sanary sur mer (83)
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Peaux de chats   Peaux de chats Icon_minitimeDim 20 Jan - 9:11

Site chinois qui vend sur internet de la fourrure de chats et de chiens et plusieurs autres fourrures d'animaux !

REGARDEZ LA VILLE, la fourrure vient de la place ou l’association Swiss Animal protection a fait l'enquête sur les animaux écorchés vivants!

DaYing YaoShun Fur Processing Factory,
Renmin Road,Daying Town,Hengshui, Hebei, CHINA 053111
Fax: 0086-318-7051709
Phone: 0086-318-8589779

Liens du site :

L’enquête secrète de l’association Swiss Animals Protection/EAST
International a conduit récemment ses investigateurs dans la province d’Hebei (Chine).
Ceux-ci ont visité des fermes d’élevages pour le commerce de la fourrure.

Please Don't Buy These Products
With Australia and the USA banning all imports of Cat and dog fur from China, and the EU soon to ban the fur, it's most likely that Canada will become the new dumping ground for these cat and dog fur products.
Richard Swain, the US Humane Society undercover investigator,and a former Maryland police officer, conducted an 18 month investigation into the slaughter of cats and dogs for their fur in China.
He told the press.."In China I have seen warehouses the size of football fields piled to the ceiling with dog and cat fur waiting to be exported to the West".
Other cat and dog skin products include "rawhide' chews" which are actually made from the hides of dogs.
These products of everywhere. At least three shops in Sault Ste. Marie have these products for sale. When contacted, the owners of these businesses had no idea that the cute toys, keychains and statues were made from real cat and dog fur..
When they purchase these items for their shops, they are shown a certificate that states that the products are made from "goat and rabbit fur, by-products of China's food industry".
These certificates are fraudulent.
Identical toys, bought in Holland, were tested for DNA by the Academic Medical Centre of Amsterdam. Results proved conclusively that they were made of dog hair.
China is notorious for deceitful labelling of ingredients. Toothpaste, cough syrup, cat and dog food...the list goes on.
Currently , there is a wonderful woman on the east coast who is having DNA testing done on many of these products to prove to government officials that this trade exists and is in fact widespread over Canada.
When they purchase these items for their shops, they are shown a certificate that states that the products are made from "goat and rabbit fur, by-products of China's food industry".
These certificates are fraudulent.
Identical toys, bought in Holland, were tested for DNA by the Academic Medical Centre of Amsterdam. Results proved conclusively that they were made of dog hair.
China is notorious for deceitful labelling of ingredients. Toothpaste, cough syrup, cat and dog food...the list goes on.
Currently , there is a wonderful woman on the east coast who is having DNA testing done on many of these products to prove to government officials that this trade exists and is in fact widespread over Canada.
chemicals in them could be harmful to your child.
For some reason it appears that these imports from China are not subject to the same rigorous safety testing as our home grown products.
Please don't buy these products. If you do you are contributing to the slaughter of cats and dogs, killed soley for their fur.

PS : je n'ai pas mis les photos atroces, à vous de les voir en ouvrant les liens si vous le pouvez...
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